Integration is the most efficient facet to augment your business model
And not just for the giants of the industry Last year, in December, I ran a piece that held the catchy headline “Cross-media partnerships...
Integration is the most efficient facet to augment your business model
Why We Love the TV Industry?
Vuulr and WorkShare Consulting announce strategic partnership at NEM 2021
TV industry demands balanced working environment as only 9% want a full time return to office
We have a massive personal data problem, but ‘value’ is the real sticking point.
Amazon Drops Parler
The Big Trends of 2021
Cross-media partnerships hint at a deeper consolidation to come
What if Piracy Ends in CEE…
TikTok and Due Process
TikTok Vs The US
Lockdown has scotched Quibi's strategy
TikTok - Victim or Villain?